Saturday, May 2, 2009

New Site

This blog will be moving over to wordpress this weekend. The new address will be

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Twice Bitten

So I was dating someone for awhile. It didn't work out. Like the ex-spouse, I did all the work and got nothing in return. Maybe I should plan a career as a crazy old cat lady. I already have the cats.

Anyway, today marks the 14th anniversary of the OKC bombing. Rest in peace to the 168 victims of Tim McVeigh and Terry Nichols. Despite the current government's fear, I fear "right wing extremists" less than I do Muslim terrorists. Let's not forget that McVeigh claimed that his reason for what he did was in response to what happened in Waco. A government that appears oppressive to its people tends to create the Tim McVeighs.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

I really need to post more

I've been busy trying to establish my own firm. Business is slow. Seems like people are staying together out of necessity. Too bad my ex had to bail out 'cause I'm sure his life sucks more than mine. Although, he did pop by the house the other night at midnight (with his son in tow on a school night) to drop off a cookbook I had been asking for for over a year. He shoved it in the mailbox. He's just trying to get me to drop the contempt application which is set for hearing on the 21st of this month. That and to see if I had really moved back into the house.

Anyhoo, I promise to post more at this site.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The "O" and Diplomacy

The PM of the UK visited the US last week. In keeping with tradition, PM Brown gave the "O" a first edition of volume one of Churchill's biography, a pen holder made from the timbers of a slave ship, and a framed commission of the HMS Resolute. What did O give him? 25 DVDs. I kid you not.

However, what some may not know is that the DVD collection was the winner out of a number of suggestions. Here are some of gifts that were considered but rejected.

  1. Olive Garden Gift Card ($50)

  2. Ronco Showtime Grillwave

  3. A set of Ginsu Knives

  4. 2 Tickets to a Monster Truck rally

  5. A garden gnome

  6. "Hope" and "Change" bumper stickers

  7. Rock Band 2 for WII

  8. A 6" Action Figure of "O"

  9. CD of The Massacre by 50 Cent

  10. 3 month membership to the Organic Fruit Club

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Economy

Well I fell victim to the economy woes a few weeks ago. I was laid off from my $100k/year job without a severance package. The boss said he'd help me out but I haven't seen any help yet. Meanwhile, I've filed for unemployment and started my own firm. Yes, I know this isn't the time to launch a new venture but since I'm over 40 with health issues, the chance of a firm hiring me are slim to none. I pointed that fact out to my former boss.

At any rate, my former spouse continues to stiff me on the money he owes me. I was awarded $15k in the divorce for launching his business. A mere pittance considering I'm the reason the place got off the ground. Meanwhile, he has a new girlfriend whom he says has a, "special needs child that she's just WONDERFUL with." Oh yeah, that'll last until he has to do anything involving that child then he'll be out the door like before.

Monday, January 26, 2009

More News From the Front

So I saw the ex-spouse when I had to drop his son off at the pub. First, I've never seen him look so thin and old. I guess the bar life isn't agreeing with him. He still looked shell-shocked from his brief stint at the county lock-up. I nearly felt sorry for him. Nearly.

Anyway, he said he'd start paying me $50/week towards what he owes me. By my calculations, he'll have to do that every week for the next 7 1/2 years. I did get the first payment last Friday in my mailbox so that's a start. In fact, I was feeling quite charitable towards him until today.

Today, I got a call from Bud. He called me to tell me about the conversation he had with someone at my old church. This lady claims that the information I posted on the church blog about the pastor's severance package came from Alice (the DCE). Bud assured her that I had not spoken to Alice in at least a year, which I confirmed. I then said that she never even like me and I didn't care much for her. That's when Bud dropped the bomb.

When Bud was doing the electrical work for the pub (i.e. long before I had a clue what my former spouse was up to), Spud (my ex) told him that he'd like to see Alice's tits. I kid you not. My then-spouse talking about another woman that way while I'm busting my butt helping him with his "dream." What a freakin' pathetic loser. It was all I could do today to not email him and asked if he ever got that chance.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Song for the EX

Appropriate, I think.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Divorce Makes Strange Bedfellows

I received a call from my ex-husband's ex-wife. As in the ex-spouse who just decided not to come home one day last March after smuggling his stuff out. We had a lovely conversation and she felt sympathy for my plight, after been on the receiving end of his betrayal herself. Oddly enough, I bet we have a lot in common. Other than the fool we married. What still kills me about him is the fact that he couldn't just man up and say he was leaving. He had to sneak out like he was breaking curfew at his parents house.

I think it must have been a hundred times harder for her since she had children with him. What he and men like him don't understand is that kids notice all that stuff and they'll remember it for the rest of their lives. Right now, they're probably blind to his flaws but eventually they'll figure out the real him. I just hope neither one of them decide to emulate him.

I'm not as hurt as I once was. I'm still mad as hell over his antics and how he went around and told everyone it was all my fault. As a friend of ours said at the time, "Really? You're still living in the house. He's the one who left." I'm not the reason he can't go to church. It's called putting on your big boy pants. Jeez, it's like being married to a 12 year old. Plus all the money he owes me that I haven't seen a single dime of yet.

At any rate, me and his ex are becoming friends which would probably just send him off the cliff. I fail to see how it could be our faults but not his. I swear one day I'm going into that pub, sit down, and have a drink just so I can stare at him for an hour.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Mo'Fo' Power Company

Dear Public Dis-service Company:

I mailed you a check last week for the bill along with the gas bill, the cable bill, and the water bill. The other three got their money but you're claiming you didn't get it. So many thanks for shutting my power off in 25 degree temperatures because your Ohio company is full of douche bags who can't process a payment.

Oh and that goes double for the beeotch on the phone who said I had one of two options: 1) Wait for the check to post (which could be before Spring); or 2) Pay your sorry asses again via phone. I opted for 2 since I have kids and a freakin' zoo living in my house who need heat.

I hope you go bankrupt.



Sunday, January 4, 2009

It's Good To Be Back

I missed this place. Yeah, all the good posts are gone. However, it's a new year so I'm sure I'll have a lot to whine about.